Friday, August 19, 2016

William Shakespeare once said “The Eyes are the window to your soul”.And boy was he correct. The images of a 5 year old Syrian boy,Omran Daqneesh who was lifted right out of a rubble in war torn Allepo staring dead pan into the camera has gone viral all over.The fact that he is so dazed and unnerved that he isn’t able to shed a single tear rips apart the mother in me.Images such as these have haunted and plagued me for days. Being a mother to a 4 year old, news like this strike a deep rooted chord in me and set me thinking. The Aylan Kurdi portrayal was ghastly enough. And now this. Children are the epitome of innocence and untouched by adult malice and vice. Hence the sheer vision of children being scavenged by the political crisis is the strongest symbolism ever.This has to stop everyone says. But how ? What will stop this massacre? This is a collective failure of the world’s political parties and agenda which is being taken out hideously on civilians.We have to do something and real fast.

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