Thursday, February 10, 2011

A minty fresh start

Holla ! Here I am...After days of procrastination and putting it aside,I have managed to shirk my inherent sluggish ways and  get myself aboard the blog band wagon...
I must confess that I have always wanted to do this.
To Own and manage a blog of my own..
I have always been into writing articles and dairies..
When overwhelmed by life's twists and turns,people tend to vent out their feelings in many ways..
Some talk it out,some work it out...I write it out..
The only thing I lack is consistency.
I never seem to last a few weeks..
The passion to write dies off gradually until something else inspires me to jot down again..
With this blog,comes a commitment to regularly update it....
Have to continue working...shall be continuing later..


  1. ..n the plane finally takes off.. zooOOOOoooMMmmm!!

  2. this is a good start di...keep up d momentum! :D
